Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Life?

It’s all due to changing my six year old image (unconscious blueprint). I used to feel like I was looking up to everyone in a room, and now I feel on the same level. I’ve gone from never driving more than 30 minutes by myself to driving alone on a 4 hour trip to check myself into a hotel, setup and run an expo stand, and present my message from stage.  I was able to speak to my father on the telephone without the usual stomach knotting anxiety I’ve felt for years. I felt fine.  Now my husband and I are planning our first overseas holiday together in 32 years and it’s exciting, not stressful!”  Jane Marin, Owner/Principal, Golden Isis – Inspired Energy

Your unconscious blueprint is your internal self-image and it could be the source of your troubles at home and at work.  Do you often feel less than grown-up, not as confident as you’d expect?  Or perhaps you’ve struggled to deal with your boss or sister-in-law without bursting into tears or flying off the handle?  You have an unconscious blueprint of yourself, and also of others.

Firstly, let’s discuss your own unconscious blueprint.  If your ‘face within’ is much younger than your chronological age you will struggle with confidence, rational decision making and emotional intelligence.  You’ll struggle to fit in with your peers.  If your unconscious blueprint is disempowering in other ways, appearing meek or unhealthy (overweight for example), you will also struggle to set boundaries with others, and make healthy choices. Of course, unconscious blueprints can also be very empowering, which is the aim for each of us.

We also have unconscious blueprints of others, which can disempower or empower us and them. For example, your internal image of your manager could be very daunting, in which case you will feel threatened and unable to communicate effectively on a person-to-person level.  Likewise, if your image is of that person is of a weak, unintelligent person, you’ll struggle to be respectful, to trust her judgement, and be productive in the workplace.

Fortunately unconscious blueprints can be identified and easily changed once you know how.  Since discovering their existence I’ve been exploring and researching how best to change your face within for good.  I’ve shared this in my (Sue Lester) new book “The Face Within: How To Change Your Unconscious Blueprint”.  Relax, I’ve written it to be easily read and applied by stressed, busy people.  If you are quick there is a pre-release super deal including the book and a powerful problem dissolving mindset process is available from

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