Setting Yourself Up For Success In 2013

The key to ending up where you want to be is knowing where that is, and planning how to get there!

If you haven’t already set your overall goals for this year, make some time now to get out a sheet of paper and either write down the answers to these questions, or use the intuitive method below:

1. What worked well for me this year?

2. What would I like to improve in 2013?   (More delegation? More support?)

3. What is the one thing I would like to master in 2013?

4. What do I want in these 9 areas of my life?  (I suggest a maximum of 3 for each – set yourself up for success rather than overwhelm. One goal you achieve is better than 6 you don’t.)

Freedom (including Travel, Car, luxury items etc)
Relationships (self and others)
Health (inc fitness)

5. Write your goals down on just ONE Page – so it is easily displayed. Email me if you’d like the template I sent my coaching clients.

Once this has been done spend a moment expanding your thinking by stretching your imagination out to the end of 2013 to see which 3 achievements are going to make you feel most fulfilled, and make those your focus.  Write them separately or highlight on your sheet and print out to display in your office or diary.

TIP:  If you are looking for a more creative/intuitive way to do this:

  1. Start by scanning the list of life areas.  Notice which jumps out at you.
  2. Holding that word, scan back over 2012, all the way to January, noticing what event, feeling, thought, words pop into your head.
  3. What message or learning do you interpret from this?  (If you don’t consciously know, breathe quietly in for 3 out for 6 then ask your unconscious to tell you.)
  4. Now, holding that life area word again, scan rapidly out over 2013, all the way to December, and once again, notice what image, words, feelings pop into your mind.
  5. Use both lots of information to write your goal/s for 2013, and beyond.
  6. Go back to the list, scan again, noticing which area jumps out this time, and repeat the process.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I’m looking forward to making 2013 the best year yet!

p.s. for business planning I suggest you map out your marketing campaigns, workshops, speaking events, etc on an annual calendar, which is also dispayable.  A guestimate is all you need to start – your money is in your calendar.


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